Tuesday, June 02, 2009



Great post because it was well thought out. What I find distracting is when believers reply they make no effort to see your point of view. It is almost impossible to speak to believers about the hateful rhetoric their faith teaches because they don’t seem to get it – they think it is just the teachings and can’t seem to grasp the emotions it invokes
why cant we see what we are trying to accomplish in this mad effort

I am sorry you chose to leave God behind. Unfortunately we live in a society where we want all the answers and it just can’t be. You say

“7.Prayers are never answered. Certainly not in the way Jesus described. Prayer has absolutely no affect on the world around us.”

I am assuming you feel like your prayers have never been answered? Possibly you never truly committed your life to Christ, maybe you were always just going through the motions and God knows your true heart.

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